
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 C*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
831Book Goode's world atlas / G1021/G6 editor, Edward B. Espenshade, Jr. ; senior consultant, Joel L. Morrison Rand McNally & Co., 81 
832Book Merriam-Webster's geographical dictionary G103.5/M568 Merriam-Webster Merriam-Webster 86 
833Book The Anchor atlas of world history G1030/K51 Hermann Kinder and Werner Hilgemann ; translated by Ernest A. Menze ; with maps designed by Harald Anchor Books, 63 
834Book Rand McNally atlas of world history G1030/R36 edited by R.R.Palmer Rand McNally 79 
835Book 美國地名譯名手冊 G106/Z63 中國地名委員會編 商務印書館 89 
836Book Augsburg historical atlas of Christianity in the Middle Ages and Reformation, G1796.E4 / by Charles S. Anderson Augsburg Pub. House  
837Book Edinburgh street guide G1829.E2/J6  J. Bartholomew, 78 
838Book The Moody atlas of Bible lands G2230/B44 Barry J. Beitzel Moody Press, 74 
839Book 麥克米倫聖經地圖集 : The Macmillan Bible Atlas G2230/Y54 Yohanan Aharoni, Macmillan Co.[ 69 
840Book The Macmillan Bible atlas G2230/A2 by Yohanan Aharoni and Michael Avi-Yonah ; prepared by Carta, Ltd Macmillan,  

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