編號 | 書名 | 索書號 | 作者 | 出版者 | 年代 |
1 | On the bondage of the will | BJ1460/M381 | Martin Luther | Grand Rapids, Michigan | -88 |
2 | Know the heretics | BT1315/H65 | Holcomb, Justin S. 著 | Grand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan, [ | 103 |
3 | Acts : Zondervan Exegetical commentary on the New Testament | BS491.2/S35 | Clinton E. Arnold, editor. | Grand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan | 79 |
4 | China's reforming churches : : mission, polity, and ministry in the next christendom / | BX9151/C45 | edited by Bruce P. Baugus | Grand Rapids, Michigan : Reformation Heritage Books | 2014 |
5 | For the glory of God : recovering a biblical theology of worship | BV10.3/B56 | Daniel I. Block. | Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group | 79 |
6 | The pastor's ministry : biblical priorities for faithful shepherds | BS2545.P45/C76 | Brian Croft ; foreword by H. B. Charles Jr. | Grand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan, | 79 |
7 | Revelation : a shorter commentary | BS2825.53/B43 | G.K. Beale, with David H. Campbell | Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company | 79 |
8 | What every pastor should know : 101 indispensable rules of thumb for leading your church | BV652.1/M395 | McIntosh, Gary | Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group | 79 |
9 | Scripture and counseling : God's word for life in a broken world / | BR115.C69/S37 | Bob Kellemen, general editor, Jeffery Forrey, managing editor ; foreword by R. Albert Mohler Jr | Grand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan | 103 |
10 | Gospel-centered counseling : how Christ changes lives / | BR115.C69/K44 | Robert W. Kellemen ; foreword by Deepak Reju | Grand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan | 103 |