
查詢條件:出版者=Regent College,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book Regent College Audio Course Program : Student Handbook BS1140.2/R333 Regent College Regent College 79 
2Book Old Testament Foundations AC BS1192.5/Ia11 Iain Provan/英文 Regent College  
3Book The reformed pastor : a pattern for personal growth andministry BV659/ Richard Baxter ; abridged and edited by James M.Houston ; introduction by Richard C. Halverson Regent College Publishing 90 
4Book The marketplace ministry handbook : a manual for work, money and business BT738.5/M37 R. Paul Stevens & Robert Banks Regent College Publishing 1990 
5Book The mystery of children : what our kids teach us about childlike faith BV4529/M636 Mike Mason Regent College Publishing 79 
6Book Real Christianity : discerning true and false faith / BT1103/W54 William Wilberforce ; abridged and edited by James M. Houston ; introduction by Mark O. Hatfield Regent College Pub., 92 

 頁次: 1/1

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