

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book The fundamental questions of philosophy. BD21/E85 by A.C. Ewing Routledge & K. Paul 79 
2Book The five ways : Saint Thomas Aquinas’ proofs of God’s existence BT98/K4 Anthony Kenny Routledge & K. Pa 79 
3Book Hume B1498/S85 Barry Stroud Routledge and Kegan Paul, 66 
4Book Tractatus logico-philosophicus BC135/W5 Ludwig Wittgenstein with an introduction by Bertrand Russell, F.R.S Routledge & Kegan Paul 79 
5Book Hume's moral theory B1499.E8/H855 J.L. Mackie Routledge & K. Paul, 69 
6Book Science, reason & religion BL240.2/S785 Derek Stanesby Routledge, 77 
7Book The world's religions : The religions of Asia BL1032/F45 Edited by Friedhelm Hardy Routledge 87 
8Book Anglicans and Puritans? : Presbyterianism and English conformist thought from Whitgift to Hooker BX5071/L34  Routledge 1990 
9Book James : wisdom of James, disciple of Jesus the sage / BS2785.2/B38 Richard Bauckham Routledge, 1999 

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