編號 | 書名 | 索書號 | 作者 | 出版者 | 年代 |
1 | St Paul and the gospel of Jesus : a study of the basis of Christian ethics | BS2651/R253 | by Charles E. Raven | SCM Press Ltd. | 79 |
2 | The Eucharistic words of Jesus | BT420/J415 | Joachim Jeremias | SCM Press Ltd | 79 |
3 | The new Reformation? | BT55 /R662 | Robinson, John A. T. (John Arthur Thomas), | SCM Press LTD | 54 |
4 | GOD WHO ACTS : Biblical Theology as Recital | BT135 / | G. ERNEST WRIGHT | SCM PRESS LTD. | 41 |
5 | The probability of God / | BT103/M774 | Hugh Montefiore | SCM Press Ltd, | 74 |
6 | Philosophy for understanding theology | BT40/D591 | Diogenes Allen | SCM Press Ltd | 74 |
7 | Introducing Old Testament theology | BS1192/S3 | | SCM Press LTD | 79 |
8 | God : Creator, saviour, spirit | BV4253/H69 | | SCM Press LTD | 79 |
9 | Ethics in the new testament : change and development | BS2545.E8/S22 | Sanders, Jack T. | SCM Press LTD | 64 |
10 | The trinity and the kingdom of god : the doctrine of God | BT111.2/M658 | Moltmann, Jurgen | SCM Press LTD | 79 |