
查詢條件:出版者=Scholars press,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book Reform thought in sixteenth-century Italy BR390/R43 Elisabeth G. Gleason Scholars Press, 79 
2Book Alfred Schmoller’s Handkonkordanz zum griechishen Neuen Testament BS2303/B499 Theodore A. Bergren Scholars Press 79 
3Book A wandering Aramean : Collected Aramaic essays PJ5201/J83 Joseph A.Fitzmyer,S.J. Scholars press 68 
4Book Early Judaism and its modern interpreters BM176/R639 Robert A.Kraft and George W.E.Nickelsburg Scholars press 75 
5Book The New Testament and its modern interpreters BM2350.N47/Ep64 Epp ˙MacRac著 Scholars Press 77 
6Book Johannine polemic : : the role of tradition and theology / BS2615.2/ Rodney A. Whitacre Scholars Press,  
7Book The alpha-text of Esther : : its character and relationship to the Masoretic text / BS1375.2/ Karen H. Jobes Scholars Press,  
8Book The laments of Jeremiah and their contexts : : a literary and redactional study of Jeremiah 11-20 / BS1525.2/ Mark S. Smith Scholars Press,  
9Book The Hebrew Bible and its modern interpreters / BS1160/ edited by Douglas A. Knight and Gene M. Tucker Scholars Press,  
10Book The Hebrew of the Dead Sea scrolls / PJ4911/Q25 Elisha Qimron Scholars Press,  

 頁次: 1/1

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