
查詢條件:出版者=University of Notre Dame Press,,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book Christian theism and the problems of philosophy BR100/C54 edited by Michael D. Beaty University of Notre Dame Press, 79 
2Book Faith and rationality : reason and belief in God BT50 .F34 /Al475 Alvin Plantinga and Nicholas Wolterstorff, editors University of Notre Dame Press,  
3Book The sciences and theology in the twentieth century B240.2/P35 edited by A.R. Peacocke University of Notre Dame Press, 70 
4Book Conciliation and confession : the struggle for unity in the Age of Reform, 1415-1648 / BR305.2/C63 edited by Howard P. Louthan and Randall C. Zachman University of Notre Dame Press, 2004 
5Book Mysticism and reform, 1400-1750 BV5077/E8 edited by Sara S. Poor and Nigel Smith University of Notre Dame Press 2015 
6Book Seeing things their way : intellectual history and the return of religion / BL237/S44 edited by Alister Chapman, John Coffey, and Brad S. Gregory University of Notre Dame Press, 2009 

 頁次: 1/1

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