Readings from the ancient Near East : : primary sources for Old Testament study /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:11233
書  名Readings from the ancient Near East :primary sources for Old Testament study /
作  者edited by Bill T. Arnold and Bryan E. Beyer
出 版 項Grand Rapids, Mich. :; Baker Academic,; c2002
稽 核 項240 p. :; ill., map ;; 23 cm
標  題Middle East
標  題Bible.
集  叢Encountering biblical studies
集  叢BL1060
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references (p. 232-234) and index
內 容 註Machine generated contents note: PART 1 PENTATEUCH 1. Creation and the Flood 13 2. Tower of Babel 71 3. Ancestral Customs 72 4. Epic Literature 75 5. Covenants and Treaties 96 6. Law Codes 104 7. Cultic Texts 118 PART 2 HISTORICAL BOOKS 8. Royal Records from Mesopotamia 137 9. Chronicles and Other Historiographic Lists 150 10. Non-Hebrew Monumental Inscriptions 160 11. Letters 166 12. Other Hebrew Inscriptions 171 PART 3 POETIC BOOKS 13. Wisdom Literature 175 14. Love Poems 192 15. Hymns and Prayers 194 PART 4 PROPHETIC BOOKS 16. Prophecies, Visions, and Apocalyptic 207 17. Divination and Incantation Texts 218 18. Lamentations 222
ISBN0801022924 (pbk.)
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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