The Broadman Minister's manual

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:12445
書  名The Broadman Minister's manual
作  者Franklin M.Segler
出 版 項U.S.A.; Broadman Press; c1969
稽 核 項154p. ; 24 cm
標  題Sermons
標  題Preaching
標  題Church year
標  題Homiletical illustrations
集  叢BV4223.D55
附 註 項A comprehensive resource for preaching and worship, thisnondenominational guide is the best source for sermons,prayers, insights, and inspiration for all, from pastorsand lay leaders to Sunday school teachers and choirdirectors ... complete sermons for the entire year,featuring both topical and lectionary preaching andworship aids to expand Sunday services, thought-provokingquotations and questions on life and religion to addbreadth to your messages, a treasury of practical sermonapplications and commentaries, children's sermons forengaging young minds and a wealth of topics to ponderduring small group discussions, calendars to help youremember important historical, cultural, and religiousanniversaries
內 容 註Preface -- Sec. 1. General aids and resources -- Sec. 2.Sermons and homiletic and worship aids for fifty-twoSundays -- Sec. 3. Resources for congregational music --Sec. 4. Messages for communion services -- Sec. 5.Messages for funerals and bereavement -- Sec. 6. Specialresources for Lent and Easter -- Sec. 7. A little treasuryof illustrations -- Sec. 8. Evangelism and missions --Sec. 9. Resources for preaching on prayer -- Sec. 10.Christmas and Advent -- Sec. 11. Children's sermons --Contributors and acknowledgements -- Index of contributors-- Sermon title index -- Scriptual index -- Index ofprayers -- Index of materials useful as children's storiesand sermons not included in Section 11 -- Index ofmaterials useful for small groups -- Topical index
版  次1st ed., 79th annual issue
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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