Barth's moral theology : : human action in Barth's thought /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:14776
書  名Barth's moral theology :human action in Barth's thought /
作  者John Webster
出 版 項Edinburgh :; T & T Clark,; 1998
稽 核 項ix, 223 p. ;; 23 cm
標  題Barth, Karl,
標  題Christian ethics
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references (p. 215-219) and index
內 容 註Introduction -- 'Life from the third dimension': human action in Barth's early ethics -- 'The great disruption': word of God and moral consciousness in Barth's M鋎nster Ethics -- 'The firmest grasp of the real': Barth on original sin -- 'Assured and patient and cheerful expectation': Barth on Christian hope as the church's task -- Freedom in limitation: human freedom and false necessity in Barth -- 'Eloquent and radiant': the prophetic office of Christ and the mission of the church -- ' The grammar of doing': Luther and Barth on human agency -- Justification, analogy, and action: Barth and Luther in J鋎ngel's anthropology
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