Perspectives on the world Christian movement : : a reader /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:17645
書  名Perspectives on the world Christian movement :a reader /
作  者editors: Ralph D. Winter, Steven C. Hawthorne ; associate editors: Darrell R. Dorr, D. Bruce Graham, Bruce A. Koch
出 版 項Pasadena, Calif. :; William Carey Library,; c2009
稽 核 項xviii, 782 p. :; ill. ;; 26 cm
標  題Missions
標  題Evangelistic work
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references and index
內 容 註The living God is a missionary God / J.R.W. Stott -- Israel's missionary call / W.C. Kaiser, Jr. -- Everyone's question: what is God trying to do? / S.A. Ellison -- The Bible in world evangelization / J.R.W. Stott -- Mission and God's earth / C. J.H. Wright -- Blessing as transformation / S.D. Gallagher, S.C. Hawthorne -- The story of blessing prevailing over curse / R. Bauckham -- The biblical foundation for the worldwide missions mandate / J. Verkuyl -- The story of His glory / S.C. H awthorne -- Let the nations be glad! / J. Piper -- Beyond duty / T. Dearborn -- On mission with God / H.T. Blackabym A.T. Willis, Jr. -- Witness to the world / D.J. Bosch -- Two forces / J. Lewis -- The gospel of the kingdom / G.E. Ladd -- D-Day before V-E Day / Ken Blue -- Building for the kingdom / N.T. Wright -- The kingdom of God in the life of the world / L. Newbigin -- God at war / G.A. Boyd -- To inaugurate His kingdom / N.T. Wright -- The kingdom strikes back / R.D. Winter -- The history of mission strategy / R.P. Beaver -- Asian Christianity / S.W. Sunquist -- The two structures of God's redemptive mission / R.D. Winter -- Missionary societies and the fortunate subversion of the church / A.F. Walls -- A history of transformation / P. Pierson -- The social impact of Christian missions / R.D. Woodberry -- Europe's Moravians / C.A. Grant -- Women in mission / M. Kraft, M. Crossman -- A historical survey of African Americans in world missions / D. Cornelius -- Stud ent power in missions / D.M. Howard -- The call to service / J.H. Taylor -- Tribes, tongues and translators / W.C. Townsend -- The glory of the impossible / S. Zwemer --
內 容 註The bridges of God /D.A. McGavran -- The New Macedonia / R.D. Winter -- The state of the gospel / J. Mandryk -- No longer emerging / B. Kumar -- The surging non-Western mission force / B.A. Koch -- Now is the time / B. Taylor -- New pioneers leading the way in a final era / Y.W. Huneycutt -- Expecting a harvest / P. Johnstone -- From Western Christendom to global Christianity / T. Johnson, S.S.K. Lee -- The next Christendom : the coming of global Christianity / P. Jenkins -- Understandi ng culture / L.E. Kwast -- Culture, worldview, and contextualization / C.H. Kraft -- The flaw of the excluded middle / P.G. Hiebert -- Is God colorblind or colorful? / M. Adeney -- Created to create culture / E. Sauer -- Clean and dirty / P.G. Hiebert -- The role of culture in communication / D.J. Hesselgrave -- Redemptive analogy / D. Richardson -- Making disciples of oral learners / Internation Orality Network -- Transforming worldviews through the biblical story / D.B. Graham -- The d ifference bonding makes / E.S and E.T. Brewster -- Identification in the missionary task / W.D. Reyburn -- Identity with integrity / R. Love -- Google-proof transparency / L. Mask -- Missions and money / P. Parshall The role of the righteous rich / J.J. Bonk -- Do missionaries destroy culture? / D. Richardson -- Discovering the Holy Spirit's work in a community / T.W. Dye -- Cultural implications of an indigenous church / W.A. Smalley -- The missionary's role in culture change / D.W. Kie tzman, W.A. Smalley -- The Willowbank Report / LCWE -- Finishing the task / R.D. Winter, B.A. Koch --
內 容 註Covering the globe / P. Johnstone -- The challenge of the cities / R.S. Greenway -- From every language / B.F. Grimes -- On the cutting edge of mission strategy / C.P. Wagner -- Christian witness to the Chinese people / T. Wang, S. Chan -- Christ movements in the Hindu world / H.L. Richard -- State of the world need/ World Relief -- Transformational development / S.J. Voorhies -- What is poverty anyway / B.L. Myers -- Cities and salt / T. Keller -- Wiping out HIV / Kay Warren -- Healing the wounds of the world / J. Dawson -- A church in every people / D.A. McGavran -- The spontaneous multiplication of churches / G. Patterson -- Church planting movements / D. Garrison -- Dependency / G. Schwartz -- His glory made visible / J. Montgomery -- The shopping window of God / W. Simson -- The C-spectrum ; Must all Muslims leave Islam to follow Jesus? / J.J. Travis -- The Zaraban breakthrough / K. Harkin, T. Moore -- A movement to Jesus among Muslims / R. Brown -- The impact of missionary radio on church planting / W. Mial -- The awakening of the Persian church / G. Hovsepian, K. Markarian -- South Asia : vegetables, fish and messianic mosques / S. Ali with J.D. Woodberry -- Live with intentionality / C.D. Bower, L. Ellis -- Just willing / C. Morgan -- All or nothing? / G. Livingsstone -- Your journey to the nations / S. Hoke, B. Taylor -- The awesome potential for mission in local churches / G. Miley -- Be a church whisperer / L. Walker -- Welcome the world a t your door / D. Shaw, B. Norsworthy -- Missio Dei or "missio me" / R. Peterson -- Tentmakers / R.E. Siemens
ISBN9780853649991 (Carlisle)
ISBN0853649995 (Carlisle)
版  次4th ed
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