Letters to a romantic : on engagement /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:20994
書  名Letters to a romantic on engagement /
作  者Sean Perron & Spencer Harmon
出 版 項B&P; 2017
稽 核 項136 pages ;; 22 cm
標  題Marriage
標  題Betrothal
標  題Weddings
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references
內 容 註Opening letters -- The opportunity of engagement -- The cost of engagement -- The details of engagement -- The length of engagement -- Bad advice -- Good advice -- Till death do us part -- Should we end our engagement? -- Making decisions together -- Choosing a church -- A spiritual relationship -- Maintaining friendships -- Loving your new parents -- Should we elope? -- Handling conflict -- Planning your parties -- Glorify His body -- On birth control -- On sex -- Preparing for your we dding night -- More than sex -- Waiting for your wedding -- Final letters
ISBN9781629953076 (pbk.)
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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