The New international dictionary of New Testament theology : v.2

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:2113
書  名The New international dictionary of New Testament theology v.2
作  者Colin Brown, general editor.
出 版 項Grand Rapids, MI :; Zondervan,; c1986.
稽 核 項944p; 25 cm.
標  題Bible.
標  題Bible.
集  叢The New international dictionary of New Testament theology
附 註 項Translated, with additions and revisions, from the German Theologisches Begriffslexikon zum Neuen Testament, edited by Lothar Coenen, Erich Beyreuther, and Hans Bietenhard."
附 註 項Companion volume: The new international dictionary of the Christian Church."
附 註 項Originally published in 3 v.: Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan Pub. House, c1975-c1978 and reissued in 4 volumes; v. 4, the index volume, includes Scripture index to The new international dictionary of New Testament theology and index to selected extrabiblical literature / David Townsley and Russel Bjork.
內 容 註v. 1. A-F -- v. 2. G-Pre -- v. 3. Pri-Z -- v. 4. Indexes.
ISBN0310332109 (v. 2)
ISBN0310332206 (v. 3)
ISBN0310332303 (v. 4)
ISBN0310332389 (set)
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