The infallible Word : a symposium by the members of the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary.

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:2206
書  名The infallible Worda symposium by the members of the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary.
作  者Edited by N. B. Stonehouse and Paul Woolley. cf. Pref
出 版 項Philadelphia,; Presbyterian Guardian Publishing Corporation,; 1946
稽 核 項300 p.; 20 cm
標  題Bible
標  題Bible
附 註 項Edited by N. B. Stonehouse and Paul Woolley. cf. Pref
書 目 註Bibliographical footnotes
內 容 註The attestation of Scripture, by John Murray.--The authority of the Old Testament, by E.J. Young.--The authority of the New Testament, by N.B. Stonehouse.--The transmission of the Scriptures, by J.H. Skilton.--The relevancy of Scripture, by Paul Woolley.--Scriptural preaching, by R.B. Kuiper.--Nature and Scripture, by Cornelius Van Til
詳細館藏 1-2 筆 (共 2 筆)
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