Christ and the law : antinomianism at the Westminster Assembly /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:22864
書  名Christ and the law antinomianism at the Westminster Assembly /
作  者Whitney G. Gamble
出 版 項Reformation Heritage Books; 2018
稽 核 項187p; 24cm
標  題Antinomianism
標  題Westminster Assembly
標  題England
集  叢Studies on the Westminster Assembly
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references and index
內 容 註False opinions with dangerous consequence: -- The Westminster Assembly's work against 1640s Antinomianism -- Bickering among London divines: the Assembly, Antinomianism, and Arminianism -- The Assembly encounters Antinomianism -- Antinomianism: misguided or heretical? -- Antinomianism's theological impact on the Westminster Assembly -- Debates over the person and work of Christ -- Apprehended by faith alone: faith, repentance, and good works -- The moral law binds forever: Antinomianism and the confession of faith
摘 要 註Describes the rise of English antinomianism from the early decades of the 1600s and the manner it was treated at during the 1640s at the Westminster Assembly"--
ISBN9781601786159 (epub)
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