Preaching Christ in all of Scripture

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:2316
書  名Preaching Christ in all of Scripture
作  者Edmund P. Clowney.
出 版 項Wheaton, Ill. :; Crossway Books,; c2003.
稽 核 項189 p. :; 22 cm.
標  題Jesus Christ
標  題Bible
標  題Sermons, American.
標  題Reformed Church
標  題Bible
標  題Preaching.
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
內 容 註Christ in all of Scripture -- Preparing a sermon that presents Christ -- Sharing the Father's welcome (Luke 15:11-32) -- See what it costs (Genesis 22:1-19) -- When God came down (Genesis 28:10-22) -- The champion's strange victory (Genesis 32) -- Can God be among us? (Exodus 34:1-9) -- Meet the Captain (Joshua 5:13-15) -- Surprised by devotion (2 Samuel 23:13-17) -- The Lord of the manger -- Jesus preaches liberty (Luke 4:16-22) -- The cry of the God-forsaken Savior (Psalm 22:1) -- Our international anthem (Psalm 96:3) -- Jesus Christ and the lostness of man -- Hearing is believing : the Lord of the Word.
ISBN158134452X (pbk. : alk. paper)
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