Creation as science : a testable model approach to end the creation/evolution wars /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:24411
書  名Creation as science a testable model approach to end the creation/evolution wars /
作  者Hugh Ross
出 版 項Colorado Springs, CO :; NavPress,; c2006
稽 核 項291 p. :; ill. ;; 24 cm
標  題Religion and science
標  題Creation
標  題Cosmogony
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references and index
內 容 註Introduction: sifting fact from fiction -- The creation/evolution battlefield -- Battle plans: who's saying what? -- Applying the scientific method -- The biblical framework of RTB's creation model -- The cosmos tests the RTB creation model -- Planetary science and life's origin test the RTB creation model -- Life's history on earth tests RTB's creation model -- The origin and history of humanity test the RTB creation model -- The why challenge -- The power of proof -- Testing creation/ evolution models with predictions -- Speeding the truth quest
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