Engaging the doctrine of God : contemporary Protestant perspectives /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:26706
書  名Engaging the doctrine of God contemporary Protestant perspectives /
作  者edited by Bruce L. McCormack
出 版 項Grand Rapids, Mich. :; Baker Academic ;; c2008
稽 核 項271 p. ;; 23 cm
標  題God (Christianity)
標  題Protestant churches
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references and indexes
內 容 註Edinburgh dogmatics conference sermon : The Lamb that was slain / David F. Wright -- Pt. I. New Testament and early Christian origins of the doctrine of God -- Christian origins and the question of God / N.T. Wright -- The wrath of God / D.A. Carson -- Pt. II. Historical perspectives -- John Calvin and the hiddenness of God / Paul Helm -- Jonathan Edwards's God : Trinity, individuation, and divine simplicity / Oliver D. Crisp -- Pt. III. Theological perspectives -- Life in and of himsel f : reflections on God's aseity / John Webster -- God and the cross / Henri A. Blocher -- The compassion of God : Exodus 34:5-9 in the light of Exodus 32-34 / Pierre Berthoud -- The sovereignty of God / Stephen N. Williams -- The actuality of God : Karl Barth in conversation with open theism / Bruce L. McCormack -- Pt. IV. Practical theology perspectives -- The doctrine of God and pastoral care / Donald Macleod
ISBN080103552X (pbk.) :
ISBN9780801035524 (pbk.)
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