Abortion and the Law in America : Roe v. Wade to the Present /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:27029
書  名Abortion and the Law in America Roe v. Wade to the Present /
作  者Mary Ziegler
出 版 項Cambridge University Press; 2020
稽 核 項xvii, 312 pages ;; 23 cm
標  題Roe, Jane,
標  題Wade, Henry
標  題Abortion
標  題Trials (Abortion)
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references and index
摘 要 註With the Supreme Court likely to reverse Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion decision, American debate appears fixated on clashing rights. The first comprehensive legal history of a vital period, Abortion in America illuminates an entirely different and unexpected shift in the terms of debate. Rather than simply championing rights, Mary Ziegler shows, those on opposing sides battled about the policy costs and benefits of abortion and laws restricting it. This mostly unknown turn deepene d polarization in ways many have missed. Never abandoning their constitutional demands, pro-choice and pro-life advocates increasingly disagreed about the basic facts. Drawing on unexplored records and interviews with key participants, Ziegler complicates the view that the Supreme Court is responsible for the escalation of the conflict. A gripping account of social-movement divides and crucial legal strategies, this book delivers a definitive recent history of an issue that transforms Am erican law and politics to this day"--
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