The person and work of Christ

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:2834
書  名The person and work of Christ
作  者edited by Samuel G. Craig
出 版 項Philadelphia,; Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co.,; 1950
稽 核 項575 p.; port.; 24 cm
標  題Jesus Christ
附 註 項A selection of articles from the author's collected writings as published by Oxford University Press subsequent to his death
附 註 項Appendix: Sermons. The risen Jesus (II Tim. ii. 8). The saving Christ (I Tim. i. 15). Imitating the incarnation (Phil. ii. 5-8)
書 目 註Other articles on the person and work of Christ" : p. xiii
內 容 註pt. 1 Person of Christ: Historical Christ. Person of Christ according to the New Testament. The Christ that Paul preached. The Emotional life of our Lord. Jesus' alleged confession of sin. The humanitarian Christ. The "Two Natures" and Recent christological speculation. Christless christianity.--Pt. 2. The work of Christ as Redeemer: Redeemer and redemption. The chief theories of the atonement. Modern theories of the atonement. Christ our sacrifice. The New Testament terminology of redemption. The essence of christianity and the cross of Christ
詳細館藏 1-3 筆 (共 3 筆)
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