Biblical and theological studies; edited by Samuel G. Craig

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:2836
書  名Biblical and theological studies; edited by Samuel G. Craig
作  者edited by Samuel G. Craig
出 版 項Philadelphia,; Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co.,; 1952
稽 核 項580 p.; illus.; 24 cm
標  題Theology, Doctrinal
標  題Presbyterian Church
內 容 註Benjamin B. Warfield.--Christian supernaturalism.--The Biblical doctrine of the Trinity.--"God Our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ".--The Divine Messiah in the Old Testament.--The Spirit of God in the Old Testament.--The Supernatural birth of Jesus.--The Foresight of Jesus.--Misconception of Jesus, and blasphemy of the Son of Man.--On the antiquity and the unity of the human race.--Imputation.--Predestination.--Are they few that be saved?--On the Biblical notion of "Renewal"--On faith in its psychological aspects.--Faith.--Mysticism and Christianity.--The prophecies of St. Paul.--Supplemental sermons: God's immeasurable love.--The Prodigal Son.--The leading of the Spirit.--False religions and the True
詳細館藏 1-3 筆 (共 3 筆)
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