Fundamentals of the faith

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:2897
書  名Fundamentals of the faith
作  者[by] Gordon H. Clark [and others] Edited by Carl F. H. Henry.
出 版 項Grand Rapids,; Zondervan Pub. House; [1969]
稽 核 項291 p.; 24 cm.
標  題Theology, Doctrinal.
集  叢Contemporary evangelical thought
附 註 項Each essay also published separately in Christianity today as a pamphlet bind-in, Sept. 1965-Aug. 1968.
書 目 註Includes bibliographies.
內 容 註Revealed religion, by G. H. Clark.--God, his names and nature, by H. B. Kuhn.--The triune God, by S. J. Mikolaski.--The creation of matter, life, and man, by A. H. Leitch.--Jesus Christ, his life and ministry, by J. Schneider.--Jesus Christ, the divine redeemer, by C. D. Linton.--The Holy Spirit, by G. W. Bromiley.--Christ and his church, by M. L. Loane.--The new birth, by B. Graham.--The Reformed doctrine of sanctification, by C. N. Weisiger, 3d.--Heaven or hell? By F. C. Kuehner.--The second advent of Christ, by W. M. Smith.--The glorious destiny of the believer, by M. C. Tenney.
稽 核 項5.95
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