The thrill of orthodoxy : rediscovering the adventure of Christian faith /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:29837
書  名The thrill of orthodoxy rediscovering the adventure of Christian faith /
作  者Trevin Wax
出 版 項IVP; 2022
稽 核 項xiii, 219 pages ;; 23 cm
標  題Creeds
標  題Catechisms
標  題Theology, Doctrinal
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references (pages 207-219)
摘 要 註Every generation faces the temptation to wander from Christian teaching, and so every generation must be awakened again to the thrill of orthodoxy. Returning to the church's creeds, Trevin Wax beckons us away from the broad yet ultimately boring road toward the straight and narrow path, where true adventures can be found"--
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