![2994](/webpac/Graphic/Cover/noc1.jpg) | 書 名 | The English philosophers from Bacon to Mill, | 作 者 | edited, with an introduction, by Edwin A. Burtt. | 出 版 項 | New York,; The Modern library; [1939] | 稽 核 項 | 1041 p.; 21 cm. | 標 題 | Philosophy, English. | 集 叢 | The Modern library of the world's best books | 附 註 項 | First Modern library giant edition." | 附 註 項 | Includes biographical sketches. | 內 容 註 | Introduction by E. A. Burtt.--Bibliography (p. xxiii-xxiv)--Bacon, Francis. The great instauration. Novum organum.--Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan.--Locke, John. An essay concerning human understanding. An essay concerning the true original, extent, and end of civil government.--Berkeley, George. A treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge.--Hume, David. An enquiry concerning human understanding. Dialogues concerning natural religion.--Gay, John. Concerning the fundamental principle of virtue or morality.--Bentham, Jeremy. An introduction to the principles of morals and legislation.--Mill, James. Government.--Mill, J. S. Utilitarianism. On liberty. |