The Greek New Testament : with Dictionary

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:7341
書  名The Greek New Testamentwith Dictionary
作  者edited by Kurt Aland ... [et. al.] in cooperation with the Institute for New Testament Textual Research, M鋎nster/Westphalia
出 版 項[New York] :; United Bible Societies,; c1994
稽 核 項926 p. :; col. maps ;; 20 cm
附 註 項Maps on lining papers
附 註 項Includes indexes
附 註 項Principal manuscripts and versions" inserted
書 目 註Bibliography: p. lv-lxii
版  次3d ed., corr
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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BS1965 / Ed23 B0002308  總館 / 地下一樓書庫 特藏(限制) 在館   

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