
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BL*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book 東方諸宗教 BL1032/B422 約瑟•M•北川(Kitagawa, Joseph M.) 著/邱明忠,龔書森同譯 邱明忠,龔書森同譯 東南亞神學院協會臺灣分會印行 54 
2Book Asia's religions : Christianity's momentous encounter with paganism / BL1032/C512 Lit-Sen Chang China Horizon ; 1999 
3Book The world's religions : The religions of Asia BL1032/F45 Edited by Friedhelm Hardy Routledge 87 
4Book Readings from the ancient Near East : : primary sources for Old Testament study / BL1060/ edited by Bill T. Arnold and Bryan E. Beyer Baker Academic,  
5Book The Templeton Foundation Prize for progress in religion / BL11.A2/T4534 edited by Wilbert Forker Scottish Academic Press, 77 
6Book The Upanishads : breath of the Eternal. Translated by Swami Prabhavananda [and] Frederick Manchester BL1120.A3/P63 Upanishads. English New American Library 79 
7Book r蘋mad Bh?gavatam : : with the original Sanskrit text, its roman transliteration, synonyms, translation and elaborate BL1140/D993 by disciples of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhup?da Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 76 
8Book 印度諸神的世界 : 印度教圖像學手冊 BL1216/S35 施勒伯格(Eckard Schleberger)著,范晶晶譯 中西書局 105 
9Book The teachings of the compassionate Buddha : early discourses, and later basic writings BL1410/B94 Edited, with commentary, by E.A. Burtt Mnetor religious classic 79 
10Book Buddhism BL1410/W3 Henry Clarke Warren Atheneum 79 

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