
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 BX*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book Answering the call : : saving innocent lives, one woman at a time /  BX1795.N66 / John Ensor Focus on the Family, 92 
2Book Ideas and illustrations for inspirational talks / BV42250.2.G85 /G973 Jack Gulledge Broadman Press, 75 
3Book 思光普照中華 BX.8.2.A1/W949 吳嵩慶著 著者 71 
4Book The Gospel according to Rome BX1170/G383 John H. Gerstner The Uniter Presbyterian and the Christian Union Herals 79 
5Book 跨越希望的門檻 BX1378.5/J627 若望保祿二世(Giovanni Paolo II)著/楊成斌譯 Vittorio Messori編 紅螞蟻行銷代理 84 
6Book The coming of the Third Church : an analysis of the present and future of the church BX1390/B8313 Walbert Buhlmann Orbis Books 79 
7Book Fires of faith : Catholic England under Mary Tudor / BX1492/D83 Eamon Duffy Yale University Press , 2009 
8Book Jingjiao : the earliest Christian church in China / BX154/T46 Glen T. Thompson William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company 2024 
9Book 真道與聖靈 : 靈恩派與福音派合一之道 BX1644/P29 大衛•鮑森(David Pawson)著 劉如菁譯 台北靈糧堂 99 
10Book 真道與聖靈 : 靈恩派與福音派合一之道 BX1644/P29 大衛•鮑森(David Pawson)著,劉如菁譯 劉如菁譯 台北靈糧堂 99 

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