
查詢條件:美國國會分類法, 分類號為 C*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book 態度急轉彎 : 反敗為勝要及時 BV54597.2/M33 詹姆士•麥唐納(James MacDonald)著;溫嘉珍譯 中國學園傳道會 100 
2Ser Christianity Today 【電子書】C029/  Christianity Today, Inc,  
3Book Toynbee CB18.T65/S617 Singer, Charles Gregg Baker Book Hou 1965 
4Book 現代世界的結束 CB19/G761 郭蒂尼(Guardini, Romano)著;陳永禹譯;孫志文主編 聯經出版事業公司 74 
5Book 文化理論與通俗文化導論 CB19/S744 約翰•史都瑞(John Storey)著;李根芳、周素鳳譯 巨流 92 
6Book The closing of the Western mind : : the rise of faith and the fall of reason / CB245 /F855 Charles Freeman Vintage  
7Book History through the eyes of faith : : Western civilization and the Kingdom of God / CB245/W45 Ronald A. Wells Harper & Row, 1989 
8Book Founders of the middle ages CB351/R3  Dover Publications 79 
9Book The Reformation; basic interpretations CB359/S64 Edited and with an introd. by Lewis W. Spitz Heath 61 
10Book The Renaissance and Reformation movements CB359/S653  Rand McNally 79 

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