
查詢條件:標題=Church work with women,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book Answering the call : : saving innocent lives, one woman at a time /  BX1795.N66 / John Ensor Focus on the Family, 92 
2Book Becoming a Titus 2 woman : a Bible study / BV4527/P56 by Martha Peace Focus Pub., 86 
3Book Designing effective women's ministries : : choosing, planning, and implementing the right programs for your church / BV4445.B75/ Jill Briscoe, Laurie Katz McIntyre & Beth Seversen Zondervan, 84 
4Book 婦女教育手冊 BV4844/F8 莊淑珍主編 連嫣嫣、陳瑪利編輯 台灣基督教長老會總會婦女事工委員會發行 81 
5Book Spiritual mothering : the Titus 2 model for women mentoring women / BV4445/H86 Susan Hunt Crossway Books ; 1993 

 頁次: 1/1

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