
查詢條件:標題=Homiletical illustrations,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book Knight's treasury of illustrations BV4211.5/K71 by Walter B. Knight Eerdmans 72 
2Book The Broadman Minister's manual BV4223.D55 /F833 Franklin M.Segler Broadman Press 58 
3Book The Broadman Minister's manual BV4223.D55/F833 Franklin M.Segler Broadman Press 62 
4Book Ideas and illustrations for inspirational talks / BV4225.2/G973 Jack Gulledge Broadman Press,  
5Book Ideas and illustrations for inspirational talks / BV42250.2.G85 /G973 Jack Gulledge Broadman Press, 75 
6Book Encyclopedia of 7,700 illustrations : : signs of the times /  by Paul Lee Tan Bible Communications, 68 
7Book Encyclopedia of 7,700 illustrations / REF BV4225.2/T36 by Paul Lee Tan Assurance Publishers,  
8Book Heartwarming Bible illustrations BV4225.2/R38 compiled and edited by Richard A. Steele, Jr. and Evelyn Stoner AMG Publishers, 1998 
9Book A Treasury Bible illustrations BV4225.2/T737 compiled by Ted Kyle and John Todd AMG Publishers, 1998 
10Book The Broadman Minister's manual BV4016/S37  Broadman Press 1968 

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