Fires of faith : Catholic England under Mary Tudor /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:27317
書  名Fires of faith Catholic England under Mary Tudor /
作  者Eamon Duffy
出 版 項New Haven [Conn.]; Yale University Press ,; 2009
稽 核 項xiii, 249 p., [16] p. of plates :; ill. (some col.), maps ;; 25 cm
標  題MaryI
標  題PoleReginald
標  題Catholic Church
標  題Counter-Reformation
標  題England
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references (p 209-238) and index
內 容 註Rolling back the revolution--Cardinal Pole--Contesting the Reformation: plain and godly treatises--From persuasion to force--The theatre of justice--The hunters and the hunted--The battle for hearts and minds--The defence of the burnings and the problem of martyrdom--The legacy: inventing the counter-reformation
ISBN978-0-300-15216-6 (hbk.) :
ISBN0-300-15216-7 (hbk)
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