The Letter to Philemon

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:27373
書  名The Letter to Philemon
作  者Scot McKnight
出 版 項William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; 2018
稽 核 項xxxii, 127 pages ;; 25 cm
標  題Bible.
標  題Commentaries.
集  叢The new international commentary on the New Testament
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references (pages xvi-xxxii) and indexes
內 容 註Introduction. Slavery in the Roman Empire -- Phlemon in the crucible of new world slavery and slavery today -- Authorship and date -- The social realities of Philemon : runaway or slave in search of a mediator? -- Text and commentary. Introduction (vv. 1-3) -- Thanksgiving (vv. 4-7) -- Paul's appeal for Onesimus (vv. 8-22) -- Conclusion (vv. 23-25)
摘 要 註Paul's letter to Philemon carries a strong message of breaking down social barriers and establishing new realities of conduct and fellowship. It is also a disturbing text that has been used to justify slavery. Though brief, Philemon requires close scrutiny. In this commentary Scot McKnight offers careful textual analysis of Philemon and brings the practice of modern slavery into conversation with the ancient text. Too often, McKnight says, studies of this short letter gloss over the iss ue of slavery--an issue that must be recognized and dealt with if Christians are to read Philemon faithfully. Pastors and scholars will find in this volume the insight they need to preach and teach this controversial book in meaningful new ways. --
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