Earthen vessels : why our bodies matter to our faith /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:29257
書  名Earthen vessels why our bodies matter to our faith /
作  者Matthew Lee Anderson
出 版 項Minneapolis, Minn. :; Bethany House,; c2011
稽 核 項255 p. ;; 22 cm
標  題Human body
標  題Christianity and culture.
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references (p. [235]-255)
內 容 註In which I clear my throat -- Earthen vessels -- Evangelical inattention and the secular body -- What is the body? -- The body toward others -- The body as shaped by the world -- Tattoos and the meaning to our bodies -- The body and its pleasure -- Homosexuality and the Christian body -- The mortal body -- Spiritual disciplines: the body shaped by grace and gratitude -- The body and the church -- Summing it up -- What's next?
摘 要 註Popular thought-leader and blogger explores a biblical spirituality that makes our mind and body relevant"--Provided by publisher
ISBN9780764208560 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN076420856X (pbk. : alk. paper)
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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