Jingjiao : the earliest Christian church in China /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:29829
書  名Jingjiao the earliest Christian church in China /
作  者Glen T. Thompson
出 版 項William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; 2024
稽 核 項x, 269 pages :; illustrations, maps ;; 23 cm
標  題Church of the East
標  題China
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references and index
內 容 註Machine generated contents note: Table of Contents Foreword by Samuel N. C. Lieu -- Introduction: A Story That Needs Telling-Correctly -- 1. The Syriac Church and Its Eastward Mission -- 2. The Stele from Chang'an -- 3. The Jingjiao Is Planted and Grows -- 4. New Evidence Emerges -- 5. The Teachings of the Jingjiao -- 6. The Jingjiao under the Tang -- 7. The Yelikewenjiao Revival under the Yuan -- Epilogue: So What? -- Bibliography
摘 要 註A history of Jingjiao, the first Christian church in China, covering its planting, flourishing, and rediscovery"--
摘 要 註A balanced, accessible, and thorough history of Jingjiao, the first Christian church in China. Many people assume that the first introduction of Christianity to the Chinese was part of nineteenth-century Western imperialism. In fact, Syriac-speaking Christians brought the gospel along the Silk Road into China in the seventh century. Glen L. Thompson introduces readers to the fascinating history of this early Eastern church, referred to as Jingjiao, or the "Luminous Teaching." Thompson presents the history of the Persian church's mission to China with rigor and clarity. While Christianity remained a minority and "foreign" religion in the Middle Kingdom, it nonetheless attracted adherents among indigenous Chinese and received imperial approval during the Tang Dynasty. Though it was later suppressed alongside Buddhism, it resurfaced in China and Mongolia in the twelfth century. Thompson also discusses how the modern unearthing of Chinese Christian texts has stirred contr oversy over the meaning of Jingjiao to recent missionary efforts in China. In an accessible style, Thompson guides readers through primary sources as well as up-to-date scholarship. As the most recent and balanced survey on the topic available in English, Jingjiao will be an indispensable resource to students of global Christianity and missiology"--
ISBN9780802883520 (paperback)
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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